Showing posts with label Repatriation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Repatriation. Show all posts

Monday, January 25, 2021

Nirvana Repatriation in Pandemic

At Nirvana, we strived to ensure that our services is fulfilled under the present extremely challenging times ~ Having to repatriate an urn with ashes to the United States of America. 

Clients were entirely satisfied with our pursuits in obtaining all relevant permits and authorisations from the Embassy and marking closely with the queue from airlines for the next available flight, even it means extended waiting time for them while we get our job done. 

All the efforts was with one simple thought, that’s to deliver the ashes back to the awaiting loving arms. 

It’s so satisfying to know that it has eventually arrived and being received by her loved ones at the destination. 





Friday, May 18, 2012

Remains Repatriation - Kathmandu, Nepal

He was homeward bound - finally.  

Tet (not his real name) was finally making his way home, 9 days after his passing. And he was accompanied by his brother who is also working in Malaysia.

We, at Nirvana, were responsible in obtaining all the relevant documents from the Embassy of Nepal before his remains was released from the hospital mortuary. The delay in securing the remains was mainly due to the difficulties in making communication with the family in Nepal as it takes days for a document to reach a remote small town there.  

Tet was immediately embalmed, dressed up and laid to rest in a zinc lined casket at our center the day his remains was taken out from the hospital.  Air tickets were being arranged concurrently in order to expedite the process while the Health Department Officer from DBKL arrived for the inspection and sealing off the casket hermetically ready for repatriation.

With the Airway Bills details, cargo arrangements, Embassy of Nepal documents and all the supporting reports from the Authorities in Malaysia i.e. National Registration Department, Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, Polis Diraja Malaysia, Turu (not his real name) the elder brother, left together with the remains in our transport heading for KLIA.

May Your Soul Rest In Peace - and our hearts & prayers go to the family with deepest sympathy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Repatriation of Ashes to Australia

Mdm Choi called me up one Sunday afternoon inquiring about our services to make arrangements for her departed brother-in-law at Kuala Lumpur Tung Shin Hospital.

Despite the bumper to bumper traffic condition in downtown Kuala Lumpur, I managed to make it to the ICU to meet with the deceased wife in just under half an hour, covering approximately 40km of driving journey. Later, I was told that my speedy response made an impression to the family.

A brief discussion was held thereafter and the family had decided that the funeral will take place after the eldest son returns from abroad.

Our Service Crew therefore, claimed the remains from the hospital and sent to our mortuary located at Nirvana Memorial Center for the en-coffin preparation and at the same time waiting for the confirmation of the funeral date.  Under such circumstances, there was no charge to the use of our facility.

Besides this arrangement, I also offered our "Pre-need Price" to the family since they do not need to execute the funeral prayer service immediately.  The family was very grateful for my extra effort in helping them to save some 20% of the cost as compared to the "As-need/Instant Price" which applied to cases that require immediate delivery/execution of our services. Although that involved a fair bit of "running around" myself to complete the arrangements, but deep inside me, I only try to make their difficult time a little easier.

The late Mr Phua was cremated at Nirvana Shah Alam Crematorium and his ashes was packed and sealed that met with the Repatriation requirements of both Malaysia and Australia Custom so that his family can take him back to where he belong.

For Ashes Repatriation Service, we are tasked to obtain the necessary documentations and permits including the followings:

> Burial Certificate
> Death Registration from Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (National Registration Department)
> Repatriation Permit
> Clearance and Certification from Ministry of Health
> Sealing of Urn before embarkation
> Assistance in reporting death with the High Commission or Embassy

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Walk the Extra Mile

Stephen Covey is my mentor since young.  Having read through his series of powerful personal change motivational books, it is beyond doubt that ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ has shaped my way of life.

Stephen Covey said: “Difficult circumstances often create paradigm shifts” “Proactive people are solutions to problems, not problems themselves, who seize the initiative to do whatever is necessary, consistent with correct principles, to get the job done”.

Ambition – “Willingness to do the things others will not in order to achieve your higher aim.  The one who achieve are the ones who are willing to go that extra mile”.

Fully subscribed to my mentor’s teachings, delivering my services “beyond the call of duty” was just a day to day routine.  Constantly looking for ways to add value and to ‘walk the extra mile’ for my clients have become my second nature at work as if it was ingrained in my blood. 

Mr John from Australia, a client that I have rendered my services to complete the funeral arrangement for his beloved father recently has said this to me:  “Jenny, I want to thank you on behalf of my father that you have helped us tremendously through-out the funeral. You have done more than you should, and provided immeasurable comfort to my mother in our time of sorrow. You helped solve many issues in very short notices and you have provided us reassurance all the time.  You may not notice that you have helped but that’s you.  We are thankful that we have found someone like you with compassion and considerate and ever ready to help. We are glad that we did not make the mistake and I want to give you this gift as a mark of our deepest gratitude”.

To my pleasant surprise, it was an American Eagle Gold Coin, with today's value at approximately RM3,000.00.  In value terms, this is by far the most precious gift that I have ever received from a client.  However, this is not about the monetary form but in substance, it is really about the recognition, acknowledgement and endorsement of the quality of me and my fellow colleagues' services at Nirvana to my clients. 

" It's not about what you do, it's how you do it" - quotable quotes

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Interstate Remains Repatriation within Malaysia

Ms Vun called me at 4 am one morning to inform of her mother's passing.

She wished to send her beloved mother's remains back to Tawau, Sabah as this was her mother's wish to be buried at her hometown.

Without delay, we went to the condominium where her remains was and carried out the necessary arrangements for the family.

Being a devoted Buddhist, Ms Vun would like to perform prayers for her mum prior to sending her off. As such,  we arranged our Buddhist Nuns for a two nights funeral rite at our Nirvana Memorial Center which was attended by the relatives from KL.

At the same time, we were making concurrent arrangements with Malaysia Airlines Cargo Service (MAS Cargo) for the repatriation.

With the compliance of MAS Cargo regulations, we prepared the casket to comply with the stringent requirements imposed by the authorities:

> Casket hermetically sealed in a clear polyethylene liner
> Embalming Certificate enclosed
> DBKL Health Department Clearance with seal
> Transfer location and consignee details identified and documented
> Transfer date, time and procedures are finalised to minimise transit and other delays.

At the end of the second night prayers, our Service Team transported the casket to MAS Cargo for airport clearance, which include weighing of the "parcel" and stamping of the airway bill.  This was done in advance the night before the departure day so as to avoid any unnecessary delay. 

We coordinated with the Tawau's consignee, to ensure the smooth receiving and transferring of the late Mdm Lee's casket arrived home for the family prayer.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Repatriation Service

We have just completed a Repatriation Service for a British national who has passed away from a fire accident in Kuala Lumpur.

With a mandate from the employer of the deceased, we claimed the remains from a hospital in Kuala Lumpur and commence preparation of the memorial service.

After cremation, the ash urn was later sealed, certified by a DBKL Health Department officer and delivered to the deceased's family members at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur.

The family left Malaysia with a heavy heart but was thankful for our efficient service in completing the funeral service within 2 working days.

They were touched by the care and attention afforded by our team and also the respect and sensitivity given during the service in preparing the ashes. They were also very appreciative of Nirvana who has taken the extra effort to accommodate the various requests made by the family members to make the funeral service more akin to the common practices in Britain.

In the line of our profession, we strive to demonstrate the highest level of commitment in discharging our duties and responsibilities. We are obliging and compassionate when dealing with people who have lost their loved one, more so they are from far abroad who need almost every assistance and support in such a helpless situation.

For Repatriation Service, we, as Funeral Directors, are tasked to obtain all the necessary documentations and permits including the followings:

> Burial Certificate
> Death Registration from Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (National Registration Department)
> Repatriation Permit
> Clearance and Certification from Ministry of Health
> Sealing of Urn before embarkation
> Assistance in reporting death with the High Commission or Embassy

A smooth operations in the process of Repatriation will help to make the family's bereavement a littler lighter, that is our ultimate mission.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nirvana Repatriation Service - An International Funeral Director

We have been working very closely with the late Ms Ong's family from Kuala Lumpur to ensure a smooth repatriation of her remains from London to Malaysia. The unexpected happening of the Volcanic Ash at Iceland had caused much disruption to the flight schedules and had delayed the timing of the repatriation considerably.

Alas, without a hitch from KLAS, our KLIA Cargo Service Handler, that the late Ms Ong's remains was safely brought back to Nirvana Memorial Centre at 1700hrs, merely 3 hours from touch-down via Emirates Airline at KLIA on 1st May, 2010 at 1415 hrs.

It was not without much coordination before hand, that our efforts in preparing the various documentation and verification both with the Funeral Home at London and the airline company, to see to a well prepared and smooth operation in ensuring the release of the remains from the airport cargo authorities. A simple inaccurate/incomplete information provided could hamper the process and cause unnecessary delay.

Nirvana is professional in this aspect.

A Buddhist Funeral Rites was being carried out as per her last wish and the late Ms Ong was laid to rest in Zone NVB at Nirvana Memorial Garden.

Dear Ms Ong, we pray for your soul to rest in eternal peace as now you have finally come home to your motherland. A wish that was fulfilled.

At Nirvana, we are professional in handling repatriation of mortal remains back to the country of origin, we process all necessary documentation, cargo arrangements & health department clearance to ensure an efficient and smooth repatriation.

We are also providing this service for Embassies, High Commissions & International Emergency Assistance (S.O.S) Companies.