Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Walk the Extra Mile

Stephen Covey is my mentor since young.  Having read through his series of powerful personal change motivational books, it is beyond doubt that ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ has shaped my way of life.

Stephen Covey said: “Difficult circumstances often create paradigm shifts” “Proactive people are solutions to problems, not problems themselves, who seize the initiative to do whatever is necessary, consistent with correct principles, to get the job done”.

Ambition – “Willingness to do the things others will not in order to achieve your higher aim.  The one who achieve are the ones who are willing to go that extra mile”.

Fully subscribed to my mentor’s teachings, delivering my services “beyond the call of duty” was just a day to day routine.  Constantly looking for ways to add value and to ‘walk the extra mile’ for my clients have become my second nature at work as if it was ingrained in my blood. 

Mr John from Australia, a client that I have rendered my services to complete the funeral arrangement for his beloved father recently has said this to me:  “Jenny, I want to thank you on behalf of my father that you have helped us tremendously through-out the funeral. You have done more than you should, and provided immeasurable comfort to my mother in our time of sorrow. You helped solve many issues in very short notices and you have provided us reassurance all the time.  You may not notice that you have helped but that’s you.  We are thankful that we have found someone like you with compassion and considerate and ever ready to help. We are glad that we did not make the mistake and I want to give you this gift as a mark of our deepest gratitude”.

To my pleasant surprise, it was an American Eagle Gold Coin, with today's value at approximately RM3,000.00.  In value terms, this is by far the most precious gift that I have ever received from a client.  However, this is not about the monetary form but in substance, it is really about the recognition, acknowledgement and endorsement of the quality of me and my fellow colleagues' services at Nirvana to my clients. 

" It's not about what you do, it's how you do it" - quotable quotes