Alas, without a hitch from KLAS, our KLIA Cargo Service Handler, that the late Ms Ong's remains was safely brought back to Nirvana Memorial Centre at 1700hrs, merely 3 hours from touch-down via Emirates Airline at KLIA on 1st May, 2010 at 1415 hrs.
It was not without much coordination before hand, that our efforts in preparing the various documentation and verification both with the Funeral Home at London and the airline company, to see to a well prepared and smooth operation in ensuring the release of the remains from the airport cargo authorities. A simple inaccurate/incomplete information provided could hamper the process and cause unnecessary delay.
Nirvana is professional in this aspect.
A Buddhist Funeral Rites was being carried out as per her last wish and the late Ms Ong was laid to rest in Zone NVB at Nirvana Memorial Garden.
Dear Ms Ong, we pray for your soul to rest in eternal peace as now you have finally come home to your motherland. A wish that was fulfilled.
At Nirvana, we are professional in handling repatriation of mortal remains back to the country of origin, we process all necessary documentation, cargo arrangements & health department clearance to ensure an efficient and smooth repatriation.
We are also providing this service for Embassies, High Commissions & International Emergency Assistance (S.O.S) Companies.