Showing posts with label Fengshui Supreme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fengshui Supreme. Show all posts

Sunday, December 11, 2011

富贵山荘 風水顧问姚老师

姚老師为我们的顧客林先生及其夫人完成了一项令他们十二万分满意的服务. 那就是为他们位於 NIRVANA MEMORIAL GARDEN, ZONE NVD 的風水福地择曰造生基.


此乃一般所云, 立生基可催官祿、促進功名、增福壽、啟智、進祿旺財。


姚老师依據福主之生辰八字, 择了對福主有輔助的良辰吉日,為福地破土, 立碑及旺碑, 以其達到天,地,人三結合的作用以增運旺財丶治病祈福, 添丁添贵的目的.

姚老师对風水有作深入的研究, 更是一位墓园设计师, 研究風水多年也走过许多国家的天南地北, 也了解到風水并非迷信的玄学。

風水是我们祖先数千年來所流传下來的智慧精华, 風水可以改善及提升您的生活素个質, 了解末來, 掌握未來, 提升未來.
姚老师是香港汉五派第匕十三代嫡系, 堂号孟森堂


Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Royal @ Nirvana Memorial Garden, Semenyih Shangri-La For The Afterlife 富贵山庄 - 世外桃源

The Royal - an exclusive and premium burial ground Zone situated at the highest point of the Garden, Nirvana Semenyih Memorial Park, and is undoubtedly the most distinguished piece of burial ground. Set against a charismatic, majestic mountain, the Zone would surely bestow upon its residents with boundless fortune and outstanding greatness, rendering itself as one of the best plot of burial land.

The Royal commands the 'Qi' element and felicitous hilly elements, enjoying its dual blessings due to its strategic location and contours. Those who secure plots here will have outstanding posterity blessed with honour and prosperity.

The Royal, a land blessed with supreme fengshui elements - the ultimate resting ground for the rich and famous, the noble and the blue blood.

Each plot is a symbol of the status of the purchaser and will help descendants of the purchaser to keep track of the past glory of the purchaser. It is also possible to sanctify the remains of prominent ancestors, who had long departed, by relocating the remains here as a perpetual tribute to them, with all their distinguished achievements vividly inscribed.

The Royal nestles along hilly topography. It is imbued with the noble creed of 'respectability, purity and serenity', marveling exquisite memorial park designs for the owners. In other words, the deceased gets to enjoy the sanctity of a perfectly designed memorial park.

The Royal embraces an elegant lawn along with modern settings from the packages offered to raw materials procurement and craftsmanship. By facing the mountains and backed by the hills, it commands an aura of majesty. Put it simply, The Royal sits on where the 'Qi" of the heaven and earth blossoms.

Those departed will be able to rest peacefully here till eternity while their descendants will acquire streams of prosperity and eternal blessings.

Guan Yin has the super natural power of assuming any form required in order to relieve sufferings and provide enlightenment. Regarded as the personification of compassion and kindness, Bodhisattva Guan Yin is able to help sentient beings eradicate ordeals and obstacles, and to get us out of the sea of sufferings.

With the compassionate and merciful Goddess of Mercy guarding over The Royal, one gets to feel the love that enlightens and bonds family together.

The faith in itself indicates the path and steps towards enlightenment within The Royal.

The Royal is a truly a fine monument enshrined for posterity and prosperity. Exclusively designed and built with only the finest materials, this Zone is en downed with excellent geomancy, peace and honor, thus rendering the place full rating in terms of auspicious elements of fengshui.

The tranquil ambience is conducive in preserving and cherishing fond memories of departed loved ones and to honour them for who they were.

For a private guided tour and viewing of this Shangri-La for the afterlife, please call us at: 012-3704888 for Tai Koon Loon and 012-3704884 for Jenny Yap for exclusive information and to see and feel for yourself this prestige Royal Zone which is truly a heaven on earth.

For more information related to Nirvana Semenyih Memorial Garden, Kindly click HERE.