Showing posts with label sea funeral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sea funeral. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Nirvana Hindu Funeral

When my phone rings at predawn hours meaning there's someone in need.

Mr S called to inform of his mum's passing, and that they would like us to arrange for a Hindu Funeral.

Within an hour we have gotten all the pricing and Hindu's ritual matters briefed by our Hindu Service Consultant, Mr Nathan and the family accepted our proposal.

We met at Nirvana Sungei Besi three hours later for the signing of documents as well as finalizing the wake service program details. It was followed by selecting the casket and viewing of the remains after the embalming, dressing in Sari, and a peaceful makeup done by our white ladies.

The wake venue was at Nirvana Shah Alam Center, Love Hall (Parlour 2)

Our Hindu Priest, Mr Vani conducted the funeral prayer in a calm and smooth manner that was well received by the family members and in strict compliance with the Covid-19 SOPs.

Mr S family, his Dad, and his brother and sister were all impressed by the quality of Nirvana's delivery service and they've given us a thumbs-up appreciation for a job completed professionally.





Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Farewell My Aunt

My mother's sister-in-law, whom is my only Aunt, passed away at a Nursing Home after being discharged a week from a hipbone surgery following a bad fall. She was at a senior age of 93. 

Our family used to visit her every Chinese New Year but this year was an exception, as we were all engaged with work. She kept our favorite "Muruku" and was hoping that we would drop by... and we didn't fulfill her wish. Such was the regret that would now stick with us for the rest of our lives... 

Cousin sister wished to have the wake nearby to their home thus Kampung Tunku, Guai Yuen Parlor was chosen although the place was having almost a full house during that one night wake service.

We gave our best to our Aunt a farewell to her final journey on earth. During the night, we saw more than 100 people turned up to pay their last respect, including her church mates, neighbours and relatives from near and afar. All attended a prayer session conducted by the Priest from City Harvest Church, Subang Jaya. 

Supper was served after the service, the meal was complete with coffee, tea and light refreshments. Many lingered a little longer as it was the only and last night to spend with her. 

On the second day, the cremation was held at Nirvana Shah Alam Crematorium. We had arranged a Limousine to ferry Aunt's family with their close relatives from the beginning of the funeral procession right up to the end of the arrangement. 

We went together in a group to scatter her ashes to the sea at Port Klang. Nirvana managed all transportation including hiring the boat and later sending everyone back to their home in the charted limousine. Lunch was also being arranged at the Cafe at Nirvana Shah Alam while everyone await the cremation process. 

We completed the funeral ceremony within a day with high level of efficiency. Some family members and friends from local and abroad were impressed by our services and sending us words of praises even days after the funeral. This gave me a sense of relief as I have missed visiting my Aunt during this Chinese New Year and there's nothing we could do to unwind the situation.

Let me share this as a lesson - Do It While You Can, Because Sometime "Later" becomes "Never".

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Nirvana Malaysia 富貴山莊 | nirvana funeral package | nirvana memorial park | burial plot | cremation

Nirvana Malaysia 富貴山莊 | nirvana funeral package | nirvana memorial park | burial plot | cremation

Nirvana Malaysia 富貴山莊 | nirvana funeral package | nirvana memorial park | burial plot | cremation

Nirvana Malaysia 富貴山莊 | nirvana funeral package | nirvana memorial park | burial plot | cremation

Nirvana Malaysia 富貴山莊 | nirvana funeral package | nirvana memorial park | burial plot | cremation

Nirvana Malaysia 富貴山莊 | nirvana funeral package | nirvana memorial park | burial plot | cremation

Nirvana Malaysia 富貴山莊 | nirvana funeral package | nirvana memorial park | burial plot | cremation

Friday, June 19, 2015

Christian Home Funeral Service

I had completed a home wake service of about 500 pax recently for the late Mrs Ng who passed away abroad and after cremation, her ashes remains was brought home by the family.

In anticipation of a large crowd, preparations for the wake service took about a week prior to the ashes' arrival. Many detailing were discussed and instructions were carried out diligently in order to ensure a smooth run of the memorial service that includes scattering of the ashes into the sea near Port Klang.

From erecting the 5 canopies around the residence's compound to planning out the altar complete with P.A. system with projectors and screens, to the food and beverages for the attending guests of the night, the caring host family even made a thoughtful request for portable toilets to be placed outside the house catering to the large turn-out.

The pastor was impressed with all the arrangements and Mr Ng and his children were relieved that the memorial prayers was carried out as planned.

The next morning, Nirvana's courtesy escort vehicle led the family in a convoy from the house to Port Klang for the last rite.

The family members boarded a large boat charted by us and the captain then sailed towards a designated spot some 20 minutes from the shore.  After a brief prayer offered by the Pastor, we distributed flowers to everyone so that they could recite a silence farewell and bit goodbye while the ashes was being lowered to the sea.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Buddhist Sea Funeral

Kit called close to 7am one morning in a sobbing tone informing me of her father's passing.

It was a typical morning rush hour at the time and I knew it will take me more than an hour to reach her place at Damansara, Petaling Jaya.

I immediately called one of our Service Consultants who was nearer to Damansara to rush over hoping that he will arrive before me.

True enough, by the time I arrived at the front gate, Nirvana's transport was already parked inside the car porch ready to transfer the remains to our center for the en-coffin preparation.

By then, our efficient Service Consultant, Jimmy Gun had in fact, lodged the requisite police report and was on his way sending the Sergeant on duty back to the Balai.

Kit's mum and the rest of the family members were impressed by the speedy response and well coordinated service provided by Nirvana. It was within an hour that we had gotten the police report completed, the Burial Certificate issued and we had also assisted the family members to identify a good photograph of the late Mr Ng to be enlarged for the prayer service beginning the same night at Nirvana Memorial Center, Sungei Besi.

We carried out the funeral service in accordance with the late Mr Ng's last wish, that is his remains  to be cremated and ashes scattered to the sea. The whole funeral service process was completed exceptionally smooth and Kit was glad that she had kept my cell phone number with her all this while after reading thru my service in this blog some time ago. She said that it was in anticipation of untoward incident of this nature as her late dad was a heart patient.

While I am grateful for her trust and support in me, I also wish to give tribute to our unrelenting service team who are ever diligent in discharging their duties, come rain or shine.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Christian Sea Funeral Service

Katherine called me up one mid morning to inform that her father had passed on at University Melaya Medical Center and inquired about our Christian Funeral Package.  She had specifically mentioned that her beloved father's wish was to scatter his ashes into the sea.

She was surprised when I told her that all of our packages are inclusive of such services should the family wish to perform a sea burial for the deceased.  Our services even include return transfers provided for the immediate family members to the nearest seaport, i.e Port Klang in our limousine, followed by scattering the ashes into the sea on board a chartered boat. The family need not worry about the arrangements as we will oversee the entire process and keep our clients accompanied personally throughout the journey.

Katherine felt relieved as she was able to fulfill her father's last wish.

The funeral wake service was carried out at Nirvana Memorial Center's Marigold Hall for two consecutive nights which saw many church members turned up to pay their last respects to the late Mr Chong.

We had helped in the two days arrangements by coordinate the publishing of the Obituary in the local newspapers, ordering of food & beverages for the guests, made request for the  upgrade of the hall and the hearse, and also arranging transport for church members to attend the cremation ceremony at Nirvana Shah Alam Memorial Park. And finally seeing to her beloved father's ashes return home to nature.

Katherine and her family members were thankful for our services which promised her a hassles free and dignified funeral. Her aunt had repeatedly expressing her heartfelt appreciation for our soft and caring approach that brought much comfort to the family, as she was saying to me, "Words can't possibly describe our feeling now when we are so touched deep down inside".

As I sat on board the chartered boat, I overheard the prayer coming from Katherine's aunt; "Dear Lord, we are here to commit his body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in the sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life."

May your soul rest in eternal peace, Mr Chong.