Thursday, January 31, 2013

Endless Love

The love for his late mum has touched me so much that I've offered to prepare a memorial DVD slideshow for Gilbert to honor his unreserved and endless love towards his mum, the late Mdm Tung Loke who passed on at the age of 98.

Unable to hold back his tears whenever he thinks of her mum, Gilbert will just wept the moment he speaks of her.  But deep inside, he knows that the best way to relieve her from the sufferings is to let her go.

He had admitted her to the hospital numerous times, saved her from all illnesses and attacks.  Almost lost count the amount of money spent on the medical bills. He took care of her personally, tended to daily needs more than a nursing practitioner can do, ultimately, he just wanted to keep her alive, to see her living beyond the age of 100 years.

But yesterday, the doctor told him to let her go.

I told Gilbert, God always has his plan, we must believe that.

Tomorrow morning is the late Mdm Tung's funeral. I know Gilbert will be in deep grieve and millions of unwillingness to say good bye.

Time is running short, but I managed to rush overnight in completing this video, hoping that it will render some comfort to Gilbert and his family.

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