Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Phowa (助念) - Prayers for the Deceased

In this line of service, I have come across various Buddhist groups that helped perform prayers for the deceased, voluntarily.

They usually come in a group and began their approximate one hour chanting in front of the Altar and asked for nothing in return upon completion of the prayers.

The invite is usually from one of the family members who is part of that particular Buddhist organisation or they personally know some of the brothers or sisters in the group.  

Phowa is often performs by the bedside of a dying person. It is also a companionship at the time of death. When Phowa prayers is done with strong compassion and devotion, it will help the dying on their journey towards enlightenment and enable them to die peacefully.

In addition, Phowa prayers performed after death will help the soul transcend the death experience and realise the ultimate goal of being reborn in a Pure Land, free from the cycle of death and rebirth.

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