Saturday, August 20, 2011

Earned Trust Is More Precious Than Gold

Trust is to be earned, and not demanded.  To me, earned trust is a form of gift.

I am truly honoured to be given this gift by my client, Ms Cindy.

Ms Cindy comes from a wealthy background, she is now into her golden years and living with her 6 lovely companion dogs.

I met her thru the dealing of funeral arrangements at Nirvana for two of her darlings who passed away recently due to old age.  I provided my services professionally and diligently.

Since then, she had decided to pursue on the arrangements of planning her final journey on earth.

During one catch up session with her recently, Cindy raised the above subject and said that she has found me to be consistent in demonstrating honourable conduct and has always followed through on my commitments and promises. She added that I have treated her with respect, civility and consideration such as taking a keen and sincere interest in her opinion and in return, giving her my honest and sometimes, differing views.

Cindy totally caught me by surprise when she sought my agreement to instruct her lawyer to entrust me to be her trustee and executor in handling her will execution.  She has, by now completed the necessary preparations and had given me a mandate to execute the will.

This is the ultimate motivation and priceless rise in self-respect!

Money cannot buy everything and definitely not the feeling of satisfaction that I am enjoying right now; While in pursuit of integrity and honesty, trust and confidence are earned from a client who has since become a friend.

Thank you for the trust in me, from the bottom of my heart, Cindy.  I am deeply humbled and downright flattered.

"Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people"... Steven Covey
"We trust people we can count on.  We count on people who do what they say they will do and when they say they will do it" ... Tim Wright 

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