Thursday, April 14, 2011

Christian Funeral Service

A Christian wake service was carried out at Nirvana Memorial Center for the late mother of Mdm Foong.

Mdm Yap passed away at a hospital at Kuala Lumpur in the early hours on 2nd of April. We rushed to the hospital mortuary to keep the family accompanied while our service crew arrived before us.

All documents were signed and burial certificate was issued by the hospital and the remains of Mdm Yap was immediately sent to Nirvana Memorial Center for the preparation of the encoffin process.

The family members follow suit to finalise and decide on the remaining funeral service package items, i.e. to select the casket, gowns and urn. Thereafter, our Service Consultant held a briefing session with the key family members on the encompasses of the package, NV Gracious. Everyone was sad but composed,tired but comforted to be able to present the best they could for their beloved mother/grand mother.

Upon conclusion of all the above, we have confirmed and organised everything for the next two days' wake service. While driving home, I saw the first glimpse of sun ray from the morning dawn.

In our line of service, making our presence felt is paramount to earn the trust and confidence of our client, regardless of the time and place. For this, we never compromise.

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