Thursday, December 23, 2010

Into Thin Air

Waking up to a phone call in the middle of the night, with a distraught man's voice at the other end.

He was certainly seeking some desperate advice on how to deal with the loss of his precious bundle of joy of only 10 months.

In the hospital alone, I can imagine the kind of pain this man is braving thru at this point in his life.

She came to this world from day one packaged with all the sickness. For a good 10 months she soldiered on fighting for her dear life. At one point, the hope was raised seeing her improvements in days. Mum and Dad took up their life's savings in exchange for the continuity of her well being. But today, her condition took a drastic turn and she was taken to be with her God.

Filled with sympathy and compassion, we offered our services without remuneration reward and proceeded to arrange a suitable funeral service according to the wishes of the parents. This is also a small way for us to give back to those in need.

Our prayers for this short lived soul into reincarnation and pray for her parents to move on with abundance of strength and courage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart for the noble deed
