Monday, June 15, 2009

Sheng Ji / 生基

A Sheng Ji Urn Compartment at Nirvana Shah Alam

A typical Sheng Ji Tomb at Nirvana Semenyih

When we mention cemetery, we naturally think of land that buries the deseased and ashes in the columbarium. In fact, do we know that according to recorded ancient Chinese belief, we can also build a living tomb for a living person, a Sheng Ji, to prolong one’s life and bring health and prosperity to the family.

What is Sheng Ji? From the word, Sheng is something alive and can grow, Ji is the foundation of structures or roots.

To build Sheng Ji, is when one builds a living tomb for themselves or their still living parents where the natural and invisible earth energy flows into one’s body to become healthier and live a longer life. To tap energy (Chi) from sky and earth with the aim to achieve longer life, treat sickness, prosperous, career advancement, more children, harmonious relationship between husband and wife and a good and happy family.

Sheng Ji being the foundation of life where it can tap the natural power / energy around us to bring prosperity and health upon ourselves. The practice of Sheng Ji started during the Tang Dynasty when it’s done by choosing a piece of suitable land, putting the living person’s hair, finger and toe nail and other personal belonging such as cloth or shoes into an urn. This belonging will absorb the ‘Chi’ from sky and earth, will then channel this Chi into the living person to make him/her healthier, prosperous and enjoy a longer life. This practice is not only beneficial to one self but also benefits one's younger generations.



何谓生基?根据字义,生是资长有活力的东西,基是一切建筑物之底部,即地基, 也是根苗之本源。

所谓的做生基,就是活人为自己或犹健在的父母造个生坟,让自然中无形的地灵, 运入人体内达到健康长寿,以天地的精气作为摄生以延年益寿、治病、发财、升官、生男育女、夫妻和好、家庭圆满的效果。

生基就是生命之基本,生命之基础,简单的说,生基是应自然的灵力,为健在者祈求人间福报。根据记载,做生基早在唐代以前已有实行操作,其方法是: 寻觅一块符合风水原则的灵地,建造生坟,配合时空,把生人的头发、手脚指甲及贴身用品如旧衣服或鞋袜,放入一瓮里,然后选个良辰吉日,安置於穴内,这类物 质就会摄取天地灵气,再反射到做生基人的身体,即可促进身体健康,添福添寿,为自己作事前规划,也可惠泽世代子子孙孙。

For proper Fengshui advises and Sheng Ji preparations, kindly call us at : 012-3704888 for Tai Koon Loon or 012-3704884 for Jenny Yap and we will be more than happy to guide you every step of the way.

For more related information pertaining to Sheng Ji, kindly click HERE.

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