Thursday, December 4, 2008

Nirvana Shah Alam - A Magnificent Place to Invest Your Money

Kindly download the above to see the 6 great reasons for a sound investment plan.

A place so close to our home, with product quality that is beyond our expectation, there is no doubt that Nirvana Shah Alam Memorial Park is truly a convincing place to invest your money or your surplus cash.

With low capital outlay from only RM6,000.00 + interest free installment scheme of up to a maximum of 36 months, the expected return is >2 times the prevailing Fixed Deposit rate - based on a conservative calculation.

There are only 1,000 units of burial plots and they sure are selling fast with more than 90% already sold since its first launch in January 2008. There shall be no more land for burial grounds as future expansions are only planned for urn compartments.

Therefore, with demand far exceeding supply, you will surely see the fruition of your investment via capital appreciation.

This is the safest place to put your surplus money, so don't miss this golden opportunity!

Call: Jenny at 012-3704884 or Tai KL at 012-3704888 and we will be most grateful to present you with the full details.

For more related information pertaining to Nirvana Shah Alam Investment Plan, kindly click HERE.

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